LockBit ransomware operators claimed to have stolen over 6 terabytes of data from Accenture’s computers at the time, demanding a $50 million ransom to keep the material private. The attackers uploaded over 2,000 data allegedly stolen during the event, threatening to disclose more if Accenture did not pay the desired money in a timely manner. Accenture stated at the time that it was able to quickly isolate the event and restore damaged systems from backups, but it didn’t say what kind of data was stolen. The corporation disclosed that the attackers were able to take certain confidential information from its systems in a Form 10-K filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last week. “As previously stated, we discovered abnormal activity in one of our environments during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2021, which included the extraction of proprietary information by a third party, some of which was made available to the public by the third party,” the business said. Unauthorized access to the firm’s networks, data theft, and breaches affecting client systems enabled or provided by the company haven’t had a major impact on operations, according to Accenture, though a financial impact is predicted. It’s still unknown what kind of information the attackers got from Accenture. However, it does not appear that the organisation has issued breach notifications in the event that personally identifiable information has been compromised.