Patches that have recently been available Check to check if your systems and PCs are compatible. You may get the patches here. Provide you with a report detailing the most critical patches. Allow you to pick and choose which ones you want to use and when you want to use them.

Definition of Patch Management

Patch management is the process of acquiring, testing, and installing many patches (code modifications) on current applications and software tools on a computer, allowing systems to stay up to date on existing patches while also evaluating whether fixes are acceptable. Patch management becomes simple and straightforward as a result. Patch Management is mostly performed by software businesses as part of their internal efforts to resolve issues with various versions of software programmes, as well as to assist in the analysis of existing software programmes and the detection of any potential security flaws or other updates. Software patches assist in the resolution of issues that arise after the software’s initial release. Patches are generally concerned with security, although some are also concerned with specific application functionality.

What is the Purpose of Patching?

Patching is the process of repairing a vulnerability or fault discovered after a programme or software has been released. Patches that have recently been released can help to correct a bug or a security fault, as well as enhance apps with new features and address security vulnerabilities. Unpatched software can leave the device open to attacks. To prevent malware access, it is vital to patch software as soon as a patch is available.


There are numerous benefits to using a centralised patch management system. You can turn off download agents for Microsoft, Adobe, and Java so that our automated system can handle all of your patching needs. Because you’re not patching from two sources, this can save you time and effort. It might also save you time if you want to execute data replication or cloud backup during off-peak hours. Patching is a required service that should be offered to people who employ a managed service provider (MSP). If you’re a managed service provider, you should think about delivering patching solutions to your customers. It’s simple with our solution, and you won’t have to boost pricing for customers. Operational expenditures and requirements are another advantage. You’ll save time setting, deploying, and rebooting your systems if you use a patch management solution that includes automation.