What makes the CCNA certificate and its 200-301 exam very important for one’s career in the IT industry? That is exactly what we intend to help you find out in this article. You will get to know why this credential is the best choice for you and why you should pursue it. Let’s start!

What are the main details of Cisco 200-301 exam?

Cisco 200-301 is a prerequisite exam for earning the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification that is valid for 3 years. This test, as well as its associated credential, has no formal prior requirements. The most important criterion for the students is to have a detailed understanding of all the exam objectives. This 120-minute test, which is available in English and Japanese, is designed to help one gain the relevant knowledge in the following domains: network fundamentals, security fundamentals, IP connectivity and services, programmability and automation.

Why is Cisco CCNA certification and its 200-301 exam so important for your career?

There are various reasons why you should pursue the CCNA certification track if you want to kick-start your networking career. Many candidates ask a plenty of questions before going to get this associate-level certificate. Like them, you may also ask yourself why you should obtain this credential. As a specialist in Cisco products and solutions, you will have many benefits when you sit for the 200-301 exam and earn the badge. These advantages enhance not only your skills, but also your salary. These pros are what we want to discuss further. Without much ado, let’s delve into why you should consider this test in particular. Passing Cisco 200-301 involves hours, weeks, and even months of studying several topics that are relevant to this exam. By taking this certification test, you show that you are adept and deeply knowledgeable in these objectives. When you complete this task, you demonstrate your mastery of networking knowledge and skills. CCNA is a very popular badge, so earning it puts you several miles ahead in your career in the IT sector, particularly in the networking field. Unlike in the past, when the students had to pass more than one exam to obtain this credential, all you need to get the current certificate is to take a single test – Cisco 200-301. Thus, it has become easier for the specialists to earn this certification in just one step. Typically, a certificate in any area of specialization, from IT to education and from security to business, is something that is increasingly becoming one of the requirements during an interview. Maybe you are asking why this happened because before it was not so. Well, this is because many people applying for jobs now have higher education and all the basic requirements. So, you must have some credentials for these requirements so that you have a chance to get a job. When you pass your 200-301 exam and obtain the CCNA badge, you enhance your overall chances of being considered and taken seriously during your interview. What’s more, the Cisco certificates are in high demand by the hiring managers. This means that by earning CCNA, you will give your career a great boost. You will be able to qualify for interviews and sail through the most important steps required during them. With this associate-level certification, you will definitely land your dream job. Of course, a prestigious badge always implies better pay. This goes without saying. The professionals who can demonstrate through their credentials that they have the required knowledge and skills during their job interviews always have a better opportunity of earning good salaries. The individuals with Cisco CCNA can always claim better remuneration and other career benefits that include promotions and sponsorship to continue their education in the field.


Now that you know how beneficial the CCNA certification and its exam can be for your IT career, you should be thinking of how to get started with studying for this test in order to earn the credential. All you need is an in-depth understanding of all the topics of the Cisco 200-301 exam. Of course, this takes commitment and time. Therefore, you must explore each domain using various preparation resources in order to have a grasp of all the concepts of the test.