Let’s take a look at the many cyber security training options and fees available, and see which one is best for you and your budget.

Free and Low Cost Training – Good enough to get your started

We are living in fascinating times. We have never had access to so much information for so little money, and in many cases for free, in human history. Anyone can upload information for free, and anyone can access information from anywhere, thanks to the proliferation of the internet and cellphones. This has resulted in a plethora of low-cost or no-cost options for learning everything, including cyber security. The disadvantage is that while these options can get you started on your learning path, they lack the depth of resources you’ll need to truly understand cyber security to the degree that you’ll need to be employable, and the information is frequently obsolete or incorrect. Here are a few free or low-cost resources to help you get started on your cyber security education. YouTube: It’s terrible that so many individuals rely on YouTube for this type of career training because the quality and accuracy are hit-or-miss. The issue with YouTube is that publishers frequently post videos with titles that don’t truly represent what they’re talking about, or they don’t go into as much detail as they should. YouTube is ideal for learning cyber security since it allows you to receive quick information or a second opinion on a cyber topic. YouTube can be quite beneficial for a fast tutorial on a modest hardware or software task. Cybrary: Cybrary is an interesting cyber security learning platform that provides their basic video learning courses free of charge. That’s fantastic, and the information is spot-on. Although the audio quality of some of their video resources could be better, Cybrary is an excellent free resource to get started and know you’re getting reliable information from a competent source. Udemy: Udemy is a love/hate relationship for me. Thousands of cyber security video trainings are available on Udemy for under $10, which is a great deal. I enjoy that Udemy gives many talented trainers, such as Mike Meyers and Chris Bryant, a forum to get their stuff out there. However, for every one of those trainers, there are a few more that are simply not worth your time. Udemy is definitely preferable for getting individual training from a specific trainer or learning something that isn’t available on Cybrary.

Mid Level Pricing Options – Providing more of what you’ll need

You’ll need to learn more about cyber security at some time, and you’ll probably have to spend more to do so. There are a lot of possibilities between $200 and $1,000, and many of them either provide more training options or start to incorporate hands-on exercises. If you want to take your profession seriously, you’ll need to upgrade to this pricing tier, and if you work in cyber security, you may find that you’ll be paying for training at this level for the rest of your career. It’s nothing more than a cost of doing business. You will never stop studying in the field of cyber security. Pluralsight: Pluralsight is comparable to Cybrary, but it differs in that it also provides a large number of programming resources and charges for its material. For a few hundred bucks, you can get a year of Pluralsight access. Pluralsight appears to be on par with Cybrary in terms of material, but I think their audio and general presentation of their video content is superior. If you want to learn coding and cyber security from the comfort of your own home, go into Pluralsight. O’Reilly Safari Books Online: I enjoy the Safari platform since it has such a large library of material and content that isn’t just about cyber security. You can also learn business ideas and soft skills using Safari, which are vital for everyone’s profession. Safari has a lot of books and written content because they work with so many publishers, and they frequently have multiple resources for every particular topic. If you want to learn through a combination of video and digital textbooks, Safari is the way to go. Cybrary Insider – While Cybrary offers a lot of free courses, they still have to pay their costs, therefore they have a paid top tier training option called Cybrary Insider Pro. This Cybrary product is more expensive than Pluralsight and Safari, but it includes interactive labs that you can log into and finish, as well as mentor matching. Cybrary’s premium option isn’t inexpensive (almost $1,000 for a year), but it’s the only one so far that offers hands-on learning, which you’ll need as you progress from beginner to advanced cyber security understanding. If you need to learn by doing things hands on and are serious about your profession, Cybrary is a fantastic fit for you. Cybrary even specifies that while in their system, you should anticipate to study for at least 10 hours per week, so they’re letting you know right away that you need to get serious if you want to succeed. That appeals to me.

Upper Level Pricing Options – Welcome to the Classroom

Everything we’ve talked about so far has been primarily a self-study programme. However, putting an instructor in front of a group, whether in person or digitally, and handing out credentials such as certificates and degrees increases the value and increases the expense. Let’s take a look at your cyber security training alternatives that cost $1,000 or more. Community College: Community college is still the greatest deal around, and it’s one of the reasons why so many people have been able to find middle-class jobs. You may learn to be almost anything at a community college, from an electrician to an administrative assistant to a cyber security expert, and they are available to everyone. The cost of a community college cyber security degree will run from $2,000 to $4,000 per year, however scholarships are frequently available. You’ll gain access to teachers and a hands-on learning environment, as well as the chance to network with others in your class, for this price. You’re also studying for a degree. If you’re serious about getting into cyber security and want to invest in a degree, community college is the way to go. Private Cyber Security Training Companies and Boot Camps: There are numerous private cyber security training providers that offer both in-person and online cyber security training. These programmes normally cost between $3,000 and $8,000. The quality is usually rather good, but the structure is usually more suited to someone who is already working in the sector and going through their employer. Many of these for-profit training providers have done a harm to people just starting out in their careers by pushing a hard sell and charging a high price for something they couldn’t deliver: a college degree. Four-Year Colleges and Universities: A four-year school is usually the most expensive and longest-term option for cyber security training. A bachelor’s degree or above is practically required to advance to the upper levels of cyber security. Four-year universities offer a comprehensive programme and, upon completion, an useful degree credential. They also incorporate non-technical abilities such as writing and verbal communication, which you’ll need. Enrolling in a four-year college programme is a significant time and financial investment, but it remains the gold standard for cyber security career growth.

Associated Issues

Is a degree required to work in cyber security? Without a degree, you can acquire a position in cyber security, but your opportunities for progress and promotion may be limited throughout your career. More information regarding how jobs in cyber security align with college degrees may be found here. Is obtaining a cyber security degree challenging? Any degree requires a significant amount of effort to finish, but it is not unattainable for anyone willing to put in the time to study and succeed. A cyber security degree is more tough than some other degrees, but not as difficult as other science degrees.