No state has ever produced more steel than Indiana since the 1970s. Ohio is the second-largest producer, though its annual output is about half that of Indiana. Manufacturing is Indiana’s economy’s backbone: after office and administrative support, manufacturing is the state’s largest employer. Indiana’s manufacturing output was little under $69 billion ten years ago. By 2018, the state’s industrial output had risen to $100 billion, and the number of manufacturing employment had climbed by 25%. Experts predict the trend to continue throughout the next decade, as robust as it has been. That’s great for Indiana, but how does this relate to cybersecurity? The industrial industry is becoming more technologically advanced. Advanced technologies such as 3D printing and precise robotics produce excellent products, yet they are vulnerable to a variety of cyberattacks. Devices that are not properly secured can be hacked, providing the attacker access to important engineering data. A terrible performer, on the other hand, can disable machinery, causing significant production delays. The demand for cyber defence grows in tandem with the increase of attack avenues. Although there will never be the same demand for cybersecurity professionals in Indiana as there is in California, there is still a rising opportunity for individuals with the necessary credentials. This article covers the fundamentals of obtaining a cybersecurity degree in Indiana, as well as the current job market for graduates of certified programmes.

Cybersecurity in Indiana

Indiana takes cybersecurity seriously, as evidenced by a number of recent measures. They’ve been hosting the Cybertech Midwest conference since 2018. The Cybertech conference brings together national and international professionals in the field of cybersecurity. Major cyber dangers, new technology, cyber attack techniques, and particular cybersecurity advise for the government, infrastructure, and retail sectors are among the topics presented during the conference. The conference was a success, with some of the industry’s greatest figures presenting, and it looks like it will become an annual event in Indianapolis. Furthermore, the state of Indiana has developed a detailed study on cybersecurity and the hazards that cyberthreats pose to the state. “The reality of interconnectedness is that cyber dangers develop at an unprecedented velocity and can have a dramatic impact on citizens, businesses, and industries,” the research says. The report demonstrates Indiana’s understanding of the importance of a strong cybersecurity business. Finally, the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) framework has been adopted by Indiana. NICE is a nationwide programme that aims to bring standardised language to cybersecurity work. If other jurisdictions follow Indiana’s lead, a cybersecurity technician trained in Indiana may work in Hawaii or Maine without having to acquire a new set of operating procedures or a new language. Indiana’s participation in NICE demonstrates their commitment to cybersecurity and to provide every benefit to individuals who work in the field.

Cybersecurity Educational Opportunities in Indiana


Associate’s degrees in cybersecurity are available online in Indiana In Indiana, there is currently only one college that offers an online cybersecurity associate degree. The following courses are available at Ivy Tech Community College.

Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in Cyber Security-Information Assurance Associate of Science degree in Cyber Security/Information Assurance

A cybersecurity associate’s degree is a wonderful place to start. The degree can help the candidate prepare for the additional certifications he or she will need in the future to land a suitable career.


A bachelor’s degree is a step up from an associate’s degree and can help a graduate find their first cybersecurity job. Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity can expect to be exposed to a variety of new topics and teachings. Programming, computer science, network infrastructure, and security best practises are examples. Campus-based cybersecurity bachelor’s degree in Indiana  Bachelor’s degree students should anticipate to study 30 to 40 classes for a total of 120 credit hours. Alternative classes such as English literature or mathematics are necessary in addition to cybersecurity-related topics. The chart below provides a complete overview of all of Indiana’s cybersecurity bachelor’s programmes.



A applicant with a master’s degree in cybersecurity has a better chance of being employed and earning a higher salary. They will be better prepared to fill more jobs in the organisation and cope with more difficult risks as a result of the increased training. Technicians with a bachelor’s degree who are currently employed in the cybersecurity profession may find that a master’s degree is required to advance. Indiana University currently offers both a campus-based and an online master’s degree in cybersecurity. Campus-based cybersecurity master’s degrees in Indiana Indiana’s universities offer two types of cybersecurity degrees: an interdisciplinary programme in information security and a master of science in secure computing. To learn more about these programmes please see the table.

Cybersecurity Master’s Porgram in Indiana

Online cybersecurity master’s degree programs In addition to campus-based programs, there are additional cybersecurity master’s degrees available online. For more information on the online programs please see the table below.

Cybersecurity Online Master’s Programs in Indiana


The highest level of cybersecurity education is a doctoral degree (Ph.D.). It’s aimed mostly at people who want to work in academia, for one of America’s three-letter agencies, or at the top of a firm. Given Indiana’s small population, the number of Ph.D. programmes offered is remarkable. Please read on to learn more.

Cybersecurity PhD Programs in Indiana


Additional qualifications look good on a resume and may be required for specific jobs in the cybersecurity field. Indiana offers a variety of certificates for individuals that are interested. Only two of the certificates can be done on campus; the rest must be completed online. Campus-based cybersecurity certification programmes A graduate certificate in cybersecurity from Indiana University Bloomington A health information security certificate from Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis Valparaiso University has two certificates: One in Information Assurance and the other with Information Security.

Cybersecurity Online Certification Programs in Indiana


Cybersecurity Jobs in Indiana

There are more cybersecurity job openings than competent applicants to fill them across the country. Indiana is no different. For example, the research firm Burning Glass discovered a 163 percent increase in cybersecurity job posts for Indiana between 2010 and 2014. This tendency has persisted, and qualified technicians should expect to have a lot of options when it comes to companies. Aside from the strong need for specialists, Burning Glass discovered that cybersecurity occupations pay 9% more than other IT jobs on average. Companies are increasingly seeing the value of protecting their digital systems and are willing to pay a premium for it.

Cybersecurity in Indiana

Although Indiana may not be the first state that springs to mind when it comes to cybersecurity, as their manufacturing industry gets more automated, the demand for cybersecurity technicians continues to grow. Indiana is a surprising good choice for anyone wishing to take advantage of that need by obtaining a cybersecurity education. The state offers a fair array of undergraduate and graduate cybersecurity programmes that cover a wide range of topics.