As you can see, a proxy can be considered as a middle-man that functions as a gateway between your computer and larger networks. 

Residential Proxies

A residential proxy is what you can acquire from the ISP provider rather than a random data center. In other words, every residential proxy address comes with a physical location. When you select the right residential proxies, the selection makes you look like a real private user. Despite the fact that multiple devices are connected to the internet at any given point in time, their IP can still locate where the devices are.  Each time you are using the internet, there is a risk that someone can get a hold of your personal information. And while there are anti-malware and other prevention methods, it is not necessarily the aggressive cybersecurity threats that pose the most danger. Cookies and account information when you log in are stored, and despite the policy, you may find on a random website, it does not guarantee that the owners are actually following said policy. Another problem is how some ISP providers geo-block websites. You must have heard that certain sites are not accessible from China, and that is only one example. Moreover, there are a lot of ideas floating around regarding the censorship of the internet. Thankfully, a residential proxy happens to be one of the best options when it comes to overcoming these problems.

Residential IP

A residential IP address is tied to a specific device. It could be a smartphone, a laptop, or even a printer. The purpose of associating devices with separate IP addresses is mostly for security purposes. Websites look at residential IP to determine who is the ISP provider for the device, or rather who is the owner of the device. Quite a few online services think of residential IP addresses as real people.

Using a Residential Proxy Network

There are a number of reasons why someone would want to use a residential proxy network. The most popular include:

Hiding IP address so that another party cannot track you back. Scraping data. Running multiple accounts from the same device. For example, you want to create a network on a social media platform and do some marketing there. Upload or download torrents. Access geo-blocked sites.

A residential proxy network will hide your true identity and provide anonymity while surfing the internet. Though keep in mind that there is one drawback. You can only request a limited amount of queries from the same IP address when using the network. The limitation reduces the overall browsing options and may lead to a ban if you exceed the rate that is provided by the network.

Residential Rotating Proxies

For those who are looking to add an extra bit of security and not worry about limitations, residential rotating proxies are the correct option. You may encounter the term “backconnect proxies”, but they are the same thing. Your IP address is hidden behind a pool of proxies and changes continuously. A dynamic IP lets you send as many requests and avoid any flags about suspicious activities. You are free to use the internet.

Connecting via Rotating Residential Proxies

Just like regular residential proxies, residential ones can also be connected to the majority of browsers, devices, and software. Whenever you send a request to the server via regular connection, the server returns the result. Repeating the same search will be considered as a suspicious activity by a search engine, and you could get banned. On the other hand, using a rotating residential proxy makes it so that each subsequent search goes through an entirely different connection. The proxy changes your IP address, and it is as if it is another person or device sending the same requests. If you are looking to connect to a rotating residential proxy, never select a free service. It is much better to sign up with a trusted proxy provider, even if you have to pay money for the subscription.  Reliability, anonymity and the assurance that your data is in good hands means more than saving a few dollars but heavily risking data theft or even cyber-attacks.

Closing Thoughts

To sum it all up, there is a big emphasis on online security these days, and having another method like residential proxies to back you up will further strengthen the defense against potential threats. If you have some money to spare, investing it in a reliable network of proxies is worth it. Not to mention that you will have no problem running multiple social media accounts for the business from the same device.

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