Awareness is the foundation of effective security. If you want to reduce your business’s vulnerability to the latest threats, your employees must do their part in observing protocols when accessing accounts that are linked to the cloud. Have your employees review your operational manual and emphasize the need to follow guidelines for requesting access to the cloud. If you have employees who are working remotely through their personal devices, tell them to remove their official accounts after accessing the cloud server. In many cases, it’s human error that often leads to costly data breaches. The best way to get around that is through proper training and orientation. Depending on the cloud service you are using, you may have the option to add another layer of security during the process of signing in. Consider activating two-factor authentication in your cloud accounts. This feature notifies you if someone attempts to sign in through another device. By activating two-factor authentication, any unauthorized person will still need to enter the code that’s sent to your personal mobile device. If they don’t have your personal device with them, they won’t be able to access your cloud account. Moreover, you will receive an alert about an attempt so you will be able to lock your account right away. If your organization handles a lot of employees, the risk of a data leak becomes even more profound. Considering the number of people that access and folders each day, it might not be possible to track who is accessing what. How will you be able to secure your cloud storage given the number of activities and tasks that occur each day? A simple solution to this is to centralize permissions for all files and folders. If someone needs access to a certain folder, they will have to obtain permission from you or your IT administrators. In addition, every new folder or file that’s created within the cloud should be restricted. Unless you are sharing information that isn’t sensitive, you are better off controlling the flow of access to your cloud server. It doesn’t take much to understand how cloud security works, although it pays to use the right approaches and platforms that will help keep hackers and identity thieves away from your system. You may not have a good grasp of cloud security tools, you can always get someone else to assess your infrastructure and determine the right set of improvements to apply. The best way to do that is to enlist the help of a third-party solutions provider. Depending on the type of cloud service you are looking to apply (whether managed or unmanaged), you need a company that will help improve your defenses at a cost that fits your budget. There are a number of companies offering cloud security consulting to check out, but it’s important that you settle with one that has proven experience across different cloud storage platforms. This way, you will be able to engineer a secure cloud storage infrastructure that’s well equipped to confront any security challenge. Apart from a robust cloud security system, you still need to encrypt the information that flows in and out. Considering today’s data security and privacy environments, you can never be too careful and prepared for any instance of a data leak. Be sure to encrypt your files so hackers, criminals, and even your competitors won’t decipher critical information that could potentially cripple your organization. If you are uploading files to a central folder in the cloud, consider activating zero-knowledge encryption which restricts access to outsiders. Cloud computing has done much to streamline workflows and enhance efficiencies. This convenience comes with risks that, fortunately, can be mitigated by applying the right measures. Get started with the tips above and make the most of cloud platforms for your business.