OneAudience compensated device vendors for installing “malicious” malware in their devices to gather data on people on Facebook and other social media sites “improperly,” Facebook said. “Security researchers first highlighted oneAudience’s actions for us as part of our scope of data misuse system,” said Jessica Romero, director of platform compliance and litigation, in a blog post. The measures Facebook took last year included blocking applications; sending a one-Audience legal notice to stop the operation according to the social network. “Facebook, and other impacted businesses, then took compliance action against a Group.” Facebook called on oneAudience, as mandated by the social network policy, to comply with audit, but the company refused, Romero said. The largest social network in the world has faced intense pressure to address abuse of the data since it was revealed that tens of millions of users were infiltrated by the company associated with Donald Trump’s campaign. Since then, Facebook has committed to evaluating transactions with all its partners and applications. At the end of last year, Twitter warned users about personal information like e-mail, username and the new twitter using a one-Audience malware development kit. “While we have no proof that this has been used for controlling a Twitter account, a person could possibly do it,” said Twitter in the notice. Twitter advised users to check the list of applications with permission to access their mobile data and to withdraw from any access they do not use or acknowledge. It has also been suggested that people are very cautious about which applications they connect to social network accounts. OneAudience website says that it works with partners to “recognise specific mobile device IDs in order to identify authenticated, real Mobile users” and “link billions of of offline and online contact points to understand the user behind the phone.”