With that in mind, you might be asking why these professions are considered entry-level in cyber security, as well as what they entail and how to obtain one. Let’s take a closer look at that right now.

Why You Should Start with a General IT Job

There are numerous job opportunities in today’s cyber security business. Many of these occupations, however, necessitate a security clearance and several years of experience, usually four or more. A polygraph test may be required for some employment. This is a significant barrier for a newcomer to overcome, which is why we recommend starting with a generic IT position. There are numerous reasons why you should begin your cyber security career with a normal IT position. These positions will provide you with significant field experience, training, and knowledge. If the company you gain the job with frequently employs from inside, they might also serve as a stepping stone for career growth. Most businesses are willing to add extra security-related activities to your job responsibilities once you’ve shown yourself in your current position, which can lead to a dedicated cyber security career.

Examples of Entry-Level Cyber Security Jobs

Consider the following examples: Example #1: IT Support Technician. ‘IT Support Technician’ is an example of a desired entry-level cyber security profession. Internal support requests must be handled using a ticketing system in this position. It necessitates prior computer skills, the ability to install programmes on computers, an emphasis on problem solving in a fast-paced setting, and the ability to successfully communicate with others. The majority of these jobs pay between $13 and $18 per hour, with the greater range going to those that involve off-site travel. Example #2: IT Helpdesk Tier 1. ‘IT Helpdesk Tier 1’ is another example of an entry-level technical employment that leads to cyber security. This job also necessitates the use of a ticketing system to provide help to internal users, as well as strong communication skills, notably over the phone. Someone with a background in computers, as well as, perhaps more crucially, excellent customer service, is required for the IT Helpdesk Tier 1 role. The majority of these jobs pay between $12 and $15 per hour. Example #3: Junior Network Technician. At the entry or junior level, a network technician will help with adding users to the network, administering accounts and access, and performing basic networking maintenance duties including restarting servers, confirming connectivity, and aiding staff. This position may also entail certain wiring or troubleshooting responsibilities. Network security will be a modest element of the job, especially for those who are just starting out. The majority of these jobs pay $15 to $22 per hour, or more if a credential is desired or necessary. The job titles in all three of these cases are very technical and demand that the applicant have a basic understanding of technology and networking. All of the professions are likely to use a ticketing system to track issues and require strong communication skills, particularly for over-the-phone help, but emails and reports may also be required. In reality, most cyber security jobs necessitate a high level of soft skills. (We looked at dozens of job listings and compiled a list of the most important job abilities that businesses need.) Let’s talk about the best ways to find a job like this now that we’ve gone over a few instances of entry-level cyber security positions.

Getting the General IT Job

We’ve discussed how to gain cyber security experience, how to write an entry-level cyber security CV, and how to prepare for a cyber security interview. However, you will need to apply and go through the application procedure at some point, which I will discuss today. Job posting sites like Ziprecruiter, Indeed, Careerbuilder, and Glassdoor are some of the finest locations to look for entry-level cyber security jobs. These websites will provide you with a plethora of information on open jobs, which firms are hiring, what their requirements are, and a broad sense of how good the job market is. You can also utilise this information to tailor your resume by including the exact text from the company’s job posting in your own resume, as long as it’s truthful and true. If you’re looking for work on these sites, make sure you’re looking for positions within 30-50 miles of where you live, unless you’re willing to relocate to the area where the job is located. The next step is to apply for a job that seems similar to the ones listed above or has common themes in work criteria and responsibilities. The majority of jobs on these sites have a simple application process, although this is dependent on the company that offered the job. Some employers only post job openings on these networks and then send you to their company’s website to complete the application process. It is advisable to have a CV that showcases your background in technology in any form that it may exist when applying for these opportunities. It’s also crucial to include any relevant schooling or education you’ve earned in terms of technology. Be aware that some applications will want you to complete an online quiz to determine how you will react to hypothetical employment events. It is critical that you answer each question truthfully and to the best of your ability. Send an email to any designated point of contact for the job, or to the company’s head of human resources, once you’ve completed the application. Tell them you applied for the job, that you’re really interested in it, and that you’ve set aside certain times for them to call you if they have any questions about your application. In many circumstances, that degree of enthusiasm and focus can lead to a phone interview or even a face-to-face interview with the organisation you applied to. If you do have an interview, be sure to send a thank-you email to the people who interviewed you! This can frequently help you rise above the competition and land the job.

After You Apply for the Job

Continue exploring for employment with similar titles and duties now that you’ve applied for the position. As you may be aware, applying for a job does not guarantee that you will be interviewed. It is important to remember, however, that if you have not heard from a company within 3 or 4 days, you should contact them by email or phone and inquire about the position you applied for as well as the status of your application to see if it has been viewed or not. If you are granted an interview, check our list of the most common cyber security questions that employers may ask (we even provide the answers.)

How to Increase Your Odds of Landing an Entry-Level Cyber Security Job

Making yourself more marketable is the best approach to boost your chances of securing an entry-level cyber security job. You can do so by furthering your education, which for most individuals will entail attending a community college or a four-year institution and either taking a few classes to refine or expand your skill set or obtaining a degree. Both of these options are costly and time-consuming, but they can provide you with the information and expertise you need to get an advantage in the market. (And if you don’t think a cyber security degree is necessary for your profession, read this article.)

Internships Can Increase Your Cyber Security Job Prospects

Taking an internship can open up a lot of doors. An internship can provide you with real-world experience in the industry, it can be paid, and it can allow you to network with other professionals in the sector. You may be offered a paid employment at the company that hosted the internship based on your level of work and the overall pleasure the employer receives from the internship. Internships are also a fantastic chance for students pursuing a cyber security degree in college. They can give flexible roles and hours for persons who already have a full schedule, depending on the company sponsoring the internship. Adding volunteer experience on your resume is another way to improve your prospects.

Volunteering Can Increase Your Cyber Security Job Prospects

Volunteering in the field of cyber security may be both intriguing and hard, but it is a terrific way to begin developing experience, which is why we encourage relevant volunteer experience for anyone just starting out. (Here’s how to get a volunteer job and why you should include it on your resume.) Consider gaining volunteer experience while also joining a local technology club or a nationally recognised technology group. You can develop a network of people you’ve worked with and people who have seen instances of your technical skills in action by getting involved in the community. This may also lead to you receiving references for positions you may apply for in the future, as well as knowing about career chances or openings that you would not have known about otherwise. Providing support for a local non-profit organisation, offering to assist a local technology club by installing machines for an event, and arranging or setting up a network for a locally sponsored function or community event are all examples of volunteer work. Now that we’ve discussed how to avoid entry-level positions, I’ll explain why the majority of cyber security jobs are out of reach.

Why Most Cyber Security Jobs are Out of Reach to Beginners

Most cyber security positions necessitate a significant amount of experience and may require a security clearance or a polygraph examination. Many government-sponsored cyber security positions need persons to have a certain level of clearance and to already have the education required to accomplish the job’s responsibilities. Another aspect worth mentioning is that the majority of these professions require working on secure company or government networks, and corporations will not allow employees without the necessary knowledge or background to operate on their networks as a best practise. Many of the higher-paying cyber security professions also require a college diploma, beginning with a bachelor’s degree in cyber security and progressing upwards. This is because these occupations necessitate a specific level of passion, dedication, knowledge, and experience. Each of these requirements can be completed by enrolling in a college programme. Keep in mind, however, that even after completing a college programme, obtaining a work in the sector can be tough. This is why I suggested above getting active in your local community, interning, or volunteering in a cyber security-related capacity. Check remote cyber security intern opportunities as well. Don’t skip any chance or any tool which would be helpful. It’s could be an online community or job aggregator (Jooble and so on) with a very beginning start.

Don’t Forget About Tuition Reimbursement

Another factor to consider is that many businesses provide some type of tuition reimbursement. This can allow you to continue to learn and get experience in the subject of cyber security while simultaneously learning and gaining expertise in computers, networking, support, and repair while on the job.


General information technology, help desk support, and technician roles are the greatest entry-level professions for most people. They can provide you with first experience in the area, assist you in developing a network of professionals who can attest to your level of expertise and work, and provide you with opportunities for career progression, depending on the organisation you work for.