But don’t worry, blocking is temporary because users will be able to continue using WhatsApp by downloading the official application.

Then, what applications can make your account blocked?

Some applications that are not supported by WhatsApp include WhatsApp Plus and GB WhatsApp, which are WhatsApp applications that have been modified by third parties. “WhatsApp does not support this third-party application because we cannot validate its security practices,” WhatsApp explained. For users who are now using the unofficial WhatsApp application, before switching to the official application it is recommended to back up chat history so that important chat history is not lost. If you are in doubt whether the WhatsApp application you are using is an official application, please check by tapping Settings, Help and Application Info.

WhatsApp Cracks Down On Third Party Apps  Blocks Accounts   - 13WhatsApp Cracks Down On Third Party Apps  Blocks Accounts   - 98WhatsApp Cracks Down On Third Party Apps  Blocks Accounts   - 13WhatsApp Cracks Down On Third Party Apps  Blocks Accounts   - 75WhatsApp Cracks Down On Third Party Apps  Blocks Accounts   - 60